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10. Science and Technology Index - SINTA 5
Download Template [Indonesia][English]
Please use the following guidelines to prepare your manuscript before submitting it.
Scientific Article Title: Center, Bold, Times New Roman 15, Maximum 14 words, Uppercase Initial Letter, After 12 pt
Author1, Author2,*, Author1
1 Faculty, Study Program, Name of Institution, City, Indonesia
2 Faculty, Study Program, Name of Institution, City, Indonesia
Email:, 2,*,
Correspondence Author Email:
The title must be clear and concise. Only the beginning of the title is capitalized and in bold. Author name and affiliation as written above. The * indicates the author of the correspondence. The author's name is written clearly without a title. Numbering of headings using the Arabic system with sub headings up to a maximum of 3 levels.
Abstract [Times New Roman 9]
The abstract is a brief summary of the paper to help readers quickly ascertain the research objectives and in accordance with research needs. The abstract must be clear and informative, providing a statement of the problem, method of solving the problem, as well as conclusions/temporary results from your research. Abstract length between 90 and 230 words. Avoid unusual abbreviations and define all symbols used in the abstract. Using keywords related to the research topic is recommended.
Keywords written in 3-5 words must be a subset of the title of the paper, written using lowercase letters except for abbreviations and the beginning of words, and separated by semicolons between words.
Abstract and Keywords must also be included in English.
Structure of the manuscript
Articles must contain writing that contains, 1) INTRODUCTION (min 700 words), 2) RESEARCH METHODS (min 500 words), 3) RESULTS AND DISCUSSION (min 1800 words), 4) CONCLUSION (min 200 words) , 5) ACKNOWLEDGMENTS (if any) and REFERENCES. The section title text uses New Roman 13 capital letters and bold.
Articles are made into 1 column pages on A4 paper size. For Top Margin 3 cm, Left Margin 2.5 cm, Bottom Margin 1.5 cm, and Right Margin 1.5 cm. Manuscripts are created using Microsoft Word, single spaced, 10 pt Times New Roman, and no more than 10-15 pages. Please select an article title with the fewest possible words necessary to adequately describe the content. The introduction must describe the background of the research, the research problem, the research phenomenon, similar research to be carried out, the objectives and benefits that will be expected from the research results, the solutions offered for the problems encountered so as to give rise to GAP Research/State of the Art/Research Phenomenon You. The introduction must also present a statement of the contribution of the research results. In the article there must be a quotation, use (Kusrini, 2007), and so on. MANDATORY use the MENDELEY citation tool in APA Style 7 Edition format (for a minimum number of references of 18-20 references). Terms in foreign languages are written in italics.
2.1 Sub Title 1 (Subtitle Times New Roman 10, Left, After 6 pt)
Contains an explanation of the basic framework for conducting research (MUST BE IN THE ARTICLE) which describes the framework for thinking in conducting research, definitions of variables, and analytical methods used in the study, data and sources briefly, application of methods and testing in obtaining research results in accordance with expectations and research overview.
For LOGOs, use high-quality images and include the image number in the image description. Formulas use the Formula Editor found in Microsoft Word. The formula numbering is sequential based on the order of the formulas contained in the article.
2.2 Sub Title 2
a. Use lowercase letters and alphabets for numbering lists.
b. If there is more than 1 numbering level, use numerical numbering for the next list:
1. Use numbering.
2. Next
2.2.1 Sub Title Sub Title 2 (Subtitle Times New Roman 10, Left, After 6 pt)
2.2 Sub Title 3
In the manuscript, quote numbers in APA Style 7 Edition format, as well as tables of numbers and figures in sequence.
Table Writing
Tables must be numbered in the order in which they are presented (Table 1., Table 2., Table n..). The table title is written in a centered position above the table. The font used in the table title and table contents is 10pt. Tables must be explained, table numbering quoted and mentioned in the text.
Picture Writing
Figures are numbered in the order in which they are presented (Figure 1., Figure 2. , Figure n.). Captions for images are positioned in the middle of the page, below the image (center justified). Font size is 10 points. Images must be annotated, image numbering quoted and mentioned in the text.
This section explains the research results. Results should be presented clearly and concisely. Authors should explore the novelty or contribution of the research to the literature used. Present clearly the results of the analysis and discussion using primary, relevant and current references.
Figures and Tables should be placed as close as possible to their reference points in the text and should be numbered sequentially as they appear in the text. All Figures and Tables must have a title (minimum 2 words) and must be referenced from within the text. In this case, they must be added and numbered sequentially in decimal numbers with descriptive information. Avoid colored images. This section contains the results and discussion of the results of the research, which can be created first by the research methodology. This section also represents explanations in the form of explanations, pictures, tables and others. The number of words in this section is around 1800 words minimum.
3.1 Discussion
Must have a discussion section that explains the discussion of the research results in relation to the hypotheses taken in the research. The discussion sub-section also compares with studies from similar research results used in the introductory section. References are also mandatory in this section.
In the conclusion section, clearly state the advantages of the research results, limitations and possible applications. The conclusion also contains answers to all the problems contained in the research. The contents of the conclusion are not in the form of points, but in the form of paragraphs (1 paragraph). The number of words in this section is around 200 words minimum.
Penulisan referensi menggunakan Standar Referensi APA Style 7 Edition. Disarankan untuk menggunakan alat Mendeley/Endnote/Zotero. Segala sesuatu yang tercantum dalam daftar pustaka/rujukan harus dirujuk secara tertulis atau makalah. Minimal 18-20 referensi utama dan terbaru (5 tahun terakhir).
General provision of bibliography:
Terms of reference writing by reference type:
If the library source is an article in a scientific journal, it is written in the following order: the author's name. year. article title. the name of the journal. Volume (number): page (Journal name is skewed).
Anggraini, D. P., Suginam, S., Afriany, J., & Sianturi, M. (2023). Pengaruh Literasi Keuangan Terhadap Minat Berinvestasi Saham Pada Mahasiswa. Ekonomi, Keuangan, Investasi Dan Syariah (EKUITAS), 4(4), 1227–1233.
Suginam, S., Siska, E., & Hidayat, S. (2021). Pengaruh Nilai Tukar Uang, Jumlah Uang Beredar dengan Kegiatan Export Terhadap Inflasi Pada Masa Pandemic Covid-19. Ekonomi, Keuangan, Investasi Dan Syariah (EKUITAS), 3(2), 33–38.
If the literature source is a textbook, it is written in the following order: the author's name. year. book title. volume (if any). edition (if any). publisher city: publisher name (The title of the book is italicized).
Mirza, F. (1997). Hubungan Remaja dan Penyimpangan Sosial. Asosiasi Psikologi Jakarta.
Mirza, F. (1997). Hubungan Remaja dan Penyimpangan Sosial (Edisi 2). Asosiasi Psikologi Jakarta
If the literature source is a translation book written following the sequence: the name of the original author. years of translation. title of the translation book. volume (if any). edition (if any). translation. publisher city: publisher name (Book title in italics).
Rachmawati, T. (2017). Metode Pengumpulan Data dalam Penelitian Kualitatif. UNPAR Press. Bandung.
Simarmata, J. (2006). Pengenalan Teknologi Komputer dan Informasi. Andi.
Simarmata, J. (2010). Rekayasa Perangkat Lunak. Andi.
If the source of the article in the proceedings is written in the following sequence: the name of the author. year. title of the seminar. title proceedings. the venue of the seminar. the timing of the operation (The article title is italicized).
Hasmi, M. A., Mesran, M., & Nadeak, B. (2018). Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Penerimaan Instruktur Fitness Menerapkan Metode Additive Ratio Assessment (Aras) (Studi Kasus?: Vizta Gym Medan). KOMIK (Konferensi Nasional Teknologi Informasi Dan Komputer), 2(1), 121–129.
Mesran, M., Afriany, J., & Sahir, S. H. (2019). Efektifitas Penilaian Kinerja Karyawan Dalam Peningkatan Motivasi Kerja Menerapkan Metode Rank Order Centroid (ROC) dan Additive Ratio Assessment (ARAS). Prosiding Seminar Nasional Riset Information Science (SENARIS), 1(0), 813–821.
If the source of unpublished scientific papers (eg theses, theses, dissertations, and research reports), are written in the following order: author's name. year. title of the research report. name of the research project. city publisher: institution publisher / institution (thesis writing / thesis / dissertation / research report in italics).
Marianne, Angela. (2013). Struktur Modal dan Profitabilitas pada Perusahaan Garmen Busana. (Skripsi Sarjana, Universitas Persada)
Marianne, Angela. (2013). Struktur Modal dan Profitabilitas pada Perusahaan Garmen Busana. (Skripsi Sarjana, Universitas Persada).
If the source is an article in a general newspaper/magazine, it is written in the following order: author's name. year. article title. name of newspaper/magazine. city, publication date, and page (Article title is italicized).
Ramadhan, Gilang. (2022, Mei 5). Revitalisasi Situ Ciburuy. Wilujeng Enjing Bandung, h.7.
Revitalisasi Situ Ciburuy. (2022, Mei 5). Wilujeng Enjing Bandung, h.7.
Tanoesodibyo, Mia. (2014, Juni-Juli). Inspirasi Gaun Pernikahan dengan Kain Ulos. Majalah Puan, h.38.
Tanoesodibyo, Mia. (2014, Juni-Juli). Inspirasi Gaun Pernikahan dengan Kain Ulos. Majalah Puan.
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1. Google Scholar
2. GARUDA: Garba Rujukan Digital
3. Indonesia One Search (IOS)
6. Crossref
7. Dimensions
8. PKP Index
9. WorldCut
10. Science and Technology Index - SINTA 5
ARBITRASE: Journal of Economics and Accounting
Forum Kerjasama Pendidikan Tinggi (FKPT)
Sekretariat: Jalan Sisingamangaraja No. 338
ARBITRASE: Journal of Economics and Accounting is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License